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October 2024:
babysue comic strips, News, Views & Perspectives and Notable New Releases
See different stuff each month at babysue.com.


Your New Dream Job at the Company of Your Dreams.

Ever wished you could find the job of your dreams?  A job where you did exactly what you enjoyed doing and nothing else?  A job where you could set your own hours?  A job where you could do things any way you want?  The wait is over.  A new company has been created that has jobs for everyone all over the world.  These jobs require no special skills, no education and no experience.  And the company does not require references.  Everyone who applies is hired on the spot with no questions asked.  You get to set your own hours and do whatever you want all the time.  The best part is that you set your own salary.  Yup, you read that right.  The company allows you to determine how much your annual salary will be.  You can either work at the office or work at home.  You can work with others or work autonomously.  The pension plan is amazing.  Once you start working you only have to work for the company for two months in order to be eligible for their full pension plan which includes health insurance.  The only downside is the interview process.  The initial interview lasts 168 hours (one full week).  But the interview is continuous and you are not allowed any time to rest, sleep or eat.  It's a tough ordeal that few will be able to withstand, but those who do will be rewarded in ways that can only be imagined.  Get in on the ground floor now for a future that is bewilderingly wonderful and fantastic. [continued below]

New Cars That Don't Require Anything.

We are super pleased to be the first to report this information.  New Cars are being produced that no longer require gas or batteries.  But wait, there's more.  The cars also don't require oil, tires, windshields, pedals, seats or steering wheels.  And you don't have to drive the cars because they drive themselves.  Cars have become so problematic and expensive.  It's refreshing that vehicles are finally being manufactured that don't require anything.  They don't even require money because they are free.  They come in all sorts of colors including Buzz-Buzz Blue, Red Hot Reddy Red, Bore-Me-To-Death Beige and Ultra Flurry White.  You can have them custom made so small that they will fit in your coat pocket or so large that they stretch for more than seven city blocks.  They're cool and they're hip.  They always make the trip.  You'll never falter or slip...with the new cars that require absolutely nothing, ever. [continued below]

The Lamb Was Very Large.

Over the past few decades there have been numerous debates and questions about the size of Mary's lamb.  Original reports from last century led everyone to believe that the lamb was quite small.  This information was presented over and over again for such a long period of time that eventually everyone just assumed it was correct.  But over time the truth has a way of surfacing.  In the twenty-first century leading historians decided to combine their knowledge to finally determine once and for all if the lamb was small.  The critical piece of the puzzle came when an antique letter was found that was written by one of Mary's closest friends.  In the letter, the individual wrote "...and I'm looking forward to seeing that gigantic oversized lamb of yours again when I see you next month."  In addition to the letter, an ink drawing was also found among Mary's final possessions which presented her lamb as being three times the size of an elephant.  Other references were also unearthed that made specific mentions of Mary's giant lamb.  Once all the information was accumulated the historians had lengthy meetings over a period of several years.  They finally concluded that the lamb was actually only small when it was young.  When fully grown it was estimated to be over five hundred feet in length.  Now efforts are being made to update the nursery rhyme so that it reads "Mary had an unbelievably huge damn lamb." [continued below]

The Problem of Why Things Are Different Ages in Different Years.

A reader recently wrote asking about a book in her possession.  She said that in 1980 she bought an old book that was published in 1925 and, at that point in time, it was 55 years old.  But when she looked at the book again this year (2024) she calculated that the book is now 99 years old.  So she posed the question, "Why are things different ages in different years?"  That is actually a very good question and one that is worthy of serious consideration.  We must first go back to 1980 when the book was first purchased.  Is it possible that the book was 99 years old then?  When we revert back to the present, we must then ask if the book is still 55 years old like it was in 1980.  It is difficult indeed to answer either of these questions sufficiently because there are no clear cut answers.  But when we consider all aspects of the numbers and the processes associated with them, we realize that the real issue and source of the problem is the way the date of publication is presented in the book.  The book should have been printed with an age date inside which would tell readers how old it is.  So instead of 'Copyright 1925' the book should have stated 'Copyright 55 Years Old.'  If this had been done, people would not have had difficulty determining the age of the book because it would be clearly visible on the opposite side of the title page.  This same theory can be applied to all objects with dates.  Instead of having years when items are manufactured or created, the age of the item should be printed on the item.  The good news is that this change has now been made on everything and it takes effect immediately.  So from this point forward there will be no more counting and figuring and trying to decipher Roman Numerals because all of that crap is no longer necessary.    Because everyone now uses age dates rather than publication or manufacturing dates, the aura of hesitation and confusion in our world is quickly dwindling and fading away.  And that is a very good thing. [continued below]

Entertainment & Music News

* We are extraordinarily pleased to report that, after so many years, the Three Little Kittens have finally located their mittens.  As a result, the kittens are finally at peace with themselves and the world.  *  After many years of making music the folks in Spandex Ballot are offering something different for their fans this year.  The band has created their own line of tissue products.  It won't be long until Spandex Ballot tissues are on grocery shelves across the nation.  *  This month Sunset Blvd. Records is releasing an album compiling music by the one-and-only Ron Dante.  Fans will love the fact that this one includes seventeen (!) unreleased Archies recordings.  The vinyl-only release is appropriately titled Ron Dante's Funhouse.  Limited edition on pink bubblegum vinyl.  Way to go Sunset Blvd.  Neat stuff!  *  Milton Burle is touring Europe and North American in support of his new album Aunt Milton's Back.  *  A bunch of people in Hollywood are doing something this year but no one seems to care.  Although they're doing everything possible to bring attention to the new thing everyone is ignoring them.  Hollywood is very very different than it was in 1942.  *  Will John Lennon ever get back together?  For years music fans have been trying to convince John Lennon to get back together.  According to rumors that may be a distinct possibility in 2025.  *  According to the latest predictions everything and everyone will tumble down into the ocean over the course of the next five years.  There is nothing that can be done to stop the tumble.  Boats and rafts are selling like hotcakes now and so is scuba gear.  Not surprisingly, the housing market is crumbling into a deep dark cavity from which it can never recover.  *  There's a new vinyl single out by The Shirts.  This is the band's first vinyl release since...1980 (?!!).  The single features the groovy tracks "Move On Groove On" and "Deux Royale" and has been released by the fine taste-conscious folks at Think Like A Key (TLAK).  *  Moppy-Mop and Pitiful-Pop are doing jigs in New York and Boston to celebrate their dancing career.  The jigs are happy and clever and they make everyone smile.  But when everyone smiles terrible things happen.  So you can expect to see the jigs outlawed in the very near future.  *  In the very near future everyone will be talking about what is going to happen in the very near future.  But in the very near future there is no way to determine exactly what will happen in the very near future.  Stay tuned because you can soon read the results here in the very near future.  *  Cabbage is remastering the entire catalog of music recorded by Okra and Mushroom in the 1830s.  The music will eventually be reissued in a comprehensive box set by Celery & Radish Music which will include twelve hardback books and a cheap little piece of warped bone mush.  *  Food has done gotten all eat up.  Yes, you read that right.  All the food that we once required and loved has all done gotten eated up.  Every crumb and every spoonful.  Gone, gone, gone.  If you're looking for food you are out of luck because there isn't any.  *  A new motion picture has just been released that documents the decline of cinematography in the twenty-first century.  Entitled Why All Them Movies Ain't No Good No More, the documentary features interviews with over thirty well-known producers who requested that their names be withheld.  The ending may come as a surprise to many who never thought they would see a surprise because many never thought they would see the ending come as a surprise.  It is a documentary.  And it is entitled Why All Them Movies Ain't No Good No More.  The ending may come as a surprise to many who never thought.  *  We are pleased to report that the alarming trend that was reported by the media this year is an alarming trend that is not as alarming of a trend as was originally thought.  *  What do you get when you combine a bunch of stuff?  A bunch of combined stuff.  *  There is a lack of everything that has just begun.  In the very near future nothing will begin to take over everything completely and eventually there will be more than enough nothing for everyone.  *  Just recently we were very surprised to receive a package from the underground band The Solipsistics.  The band has always been a favorite around these here babysue parts, but we figured the project was eventually halted because it required too much time and money and did not provide enough return (which is usually the case many of the greatest underground artists and bands).  While we were still reeling from the news that the band was still releasing music, we received yet another package...this time a nice hefty package containing three vinyl LPs.  Wow.  How good can things get in 2024?  There were no press releases or information provided with any of these.  First up is Work Halted In Progress.  The album is, apparently, just that.  Released in 2017 on the Frigidisk label, it presents songs / demos (?) that were recorded from 1996 to 2001.  The main thing that continues to strike us about this band is that the songs are light years beyond what any of the major commercial labels are releasing in the twenty-first century.  Incredible songs with true staying power.  You've just gotta dig cool tracks like "Waving My Crutches Around," "Come Go Away," "Mademoiselle Kitty" and "As Long As You Feel."  The real shocker here is that the cover folds out to reveal what is (apparently) a photograph of Jeffrey Owen McGregor.  Up to this point in time we didn't think any clear images of this fellow actually existed.  But back to the music.  Next up is the oddly-titled Put That Thing Away with a cover that features a sock monkey embracing a fire extinguisher (!).  What we first noticed about this one is that all the songs were written by N. Douglas, so that automatically puts this album in a different space.  As we listened to the cool melody of "Anymore" we were blown away by the vocal.  Although he's an obscure artist, McGregor has one of the best voices we've ever heard, period.  Put That Thing Away features ballads and pop/rockers, all delivered with the sincere sound and style we've come to expect from The Solipsistics.  Some favorites include "Let's Talk About Me," "Love Is Blonde," "We're Buff-Puffs!" and "I Never Should Have Left New York."  Not sure when these were crafted because we could not find a date on the album, but our guess is that these tracks were recorded sometime during the past decade or so.  Last up is the double vinyl LP entitled Backing Into The Limelight.  Each side contains only about ten minutes (or so) of music so we're guessing the idea was to prompt the listener into paying attention to each individual track.  This is necessary to fully appreciate this album.  These ultra-intelligent compositions feature smart pensive lyrics and melodies that will have you spinning them for many years to come.  Some of our initial favorites include "We Few" (live), "The Devil You Know," "Employee of the Year," "Honey Complain" (live), "Monologue" (exceptional), "Polka-Dot Girl" (classic Solipsistics), "Take It Like A Man," "The Bitter One" (wow, an all-time favorite for sure) and "Come With Us."  All three LPs were either produced or recorded by the one-and-only Earle Mankey, an ultra cool fellow we keep hoping will do more of his wonderfully inventive one-man-band recordings.  While spinning these albums we couldn't help but feel a bit sad that Solipsistics songs are not heard by more people.  And this is mainly because they are just too good to not be heard.  But based upon the way this strange little band operates we get the idea that they/he want and prefer obscurity.  That's something we can (obviously) understand and appreciate.  Hats off to The Solipsistics for not playing the game the way others play...and yet ultimately succeeding and winning.  *  For every well-known band and musical artist on the planet there are thousands upon thousands of people working behind the scenes whose work is just as critical and important.  As a result there are so many talented people working in the undercurrents that they rarely get recognized for their contributions and talent.  One man who recently stepped out into the spotlight is Milwaukee, Wisconsin's Jim Eannelli.  Jim has a new album out entitled Just Deserts that features twelve expertly crafted tracks that should appeal to a wide range of listeners.  In the past Eannelli has worked with many well-known artists including Rick Derringer, Sam Llanas and the Shivvers.  Now that Jim has stepped into the spotlight there's no going back.  The new album's highlights include "29 Women," "Where I've Been," "Down My Road" and "Should I Try."  *

October 2024 Notable New Releases
Dream Phases - Phantom Idol (Kool Kat Musik).  Okmoniks - Afterparty Fever (Slovenly Recordings).  Red Sleeping Beauty - I'm Here Tonight EP (Matinee Recordings).  Yuyakeshiwasu - Rock'n'Roll Cult.  Slaw - Here I Come.  Byrne Elliott - Proof of Existence.  Starring Johnny - Half Hour (Go Ahead Music).  Red Blooded - Five Year Daddy (Actually Recordings).  Amusing - Great Thrill (Welcome Country Tonight).  Goodbye Television - Oklahoma City (New Tower Records).  Combat Boots For Her - Los Angeles Six Nights (Harbor Bay Baby Day).  Gourmet Guest Room - Credit Treatment (Snow Shoot Tour).  You Won't Need Warmers - Brand New Car (Yes Wheel Lock Music).  Winter Clothes - British Columbia (Brand New Care Records).  Simple Pot of Coffee - New Machine (Enjoy More Productions).  Lightweight Compact Handlebar - Folded When Not In Use (Yoga Groan Records).  Awavez - Waiting For The Wave EP.  Sarah Burton - Swoonville USA.  Last Charge of the Light Horse - In The Wind.  How Do You Does - Does You How (Howdy Doves).  Turning Neon - Four Late Games (Top Prizes Today).  Lifelong Animal - Farm In Illinois (Shapes & Sizes Records).  You Will Get - 140 Years (Dot Dot Dot Music).  Bossy Savings - Spend Less (Corner Quality Dog Records). Going On Now - Price Of A Queen (Shop Today Sample).  Weight Loss Drug - Hours Now After (Urging Already Music).  State of Emergency Again - Powerful Life Threatening Watch Warning (Ahead of Landfall Records).  Right Near Moments - Just How Intense (Moving Ashore).  Neff Irizarry - Cambio (Change) (Blue Canoe Records).  Talent Costume - Coordinator (Cone King).  Cookie Delicious - Punch Dance In A Wooden Glen.  Katie Cruel - Lost Vagus.  Dfactor - Sing Along Songs Vol 2 EP.  The Courettes - The Soul of...The Fabulous Courettes (Damaged Goods).  Cristiano Varisco - Aline (OOB Records).  Steve Wynn - Make It Right (Fire Records).  Sanaz - Chapters EP.  The Silence Industry - The Lamest Cyperpunk Dystopia You Could Imagine.  The Peawees - One Ride (Wild Honey Records).  Lido Beach - Lido Beach EP.  Beef - Il Manzo EP (Goodbye Boozy Records).  J. Mamana - For Every Set of Eyes.  Maria Schafer - Here For You.  Doctor Velvet - New Breed.  Ada Lea - Notes (Saddle Creek).  Greg Lisher - Underwater Detection Method (Independent Project Records - IPR).  Auto Insurance - Love It So Much (Good Movie Thumbs Down).  Customers - Replacement Customers (Forgive Never Records).  Rougher Than Sandpaper - Touch of Extract (One Shower Music).  My Floors - Time To Clean (Quick and Difficult Music).  Afterimage - Faces To Hide (Independent Project Records, IPR).  Perla Batalla - A Letter To Leonard Cohen: Tribute To A Friend (Symphonic).  Legendary Ten Seconds - Folk Mellotronica.  Bryan Day & Ernesto Diaz-Infante - Untitled Currents.  Un Rodo Cora - Infants On Ice.  Julius Lind - Lights (Kapitan Platte).  Sapling - Rabbit Hole.  Peter Wise - Nothing More, Nothing Less.  Rogers & Butler - Studio 3 (Think Like A Key - TLAK).  Ian Gothe & Fernando Perdomo - Never Let Go (A Tribute to Camel) (Think Like A Key - TLAK).
[This section only includes full-length releases and EPs.]



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