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July 2024:
babysue comic strips, News, Views and Perspectives & Notable New Releases
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  July 2024 News, Views and Perspectives

* Everything is turning blue.  For some reason that cannot be explained everything is turning bluePlants are turning blue.  Trees are turning blue.  Animals are turning blue.  Buildings are turning blue.  Dirt is turning blue.  Insects are turning blue.  Food is turning blue.  Just about everything is turning blue except for the sky and that's because the sky was already blue (although it is turning blue at night now when it was normally black).  Despite the fact that thousands of scientists are trying to determine what is going on, no one has any concrete ideas.  Soon everything will be blue and that will be very curious and strange.  The only things that seem to be escaping the trend are bluebirds, all of which are now lime green and purple with invisible spots.  *  More Public Eyesores and eh?s.  We've been raving about music on California's Public Eyesore and eh? labels for years.  The latest package we received is a good example of why we are always ultimately impressed.  Public Eyesore has just put out an exceptionally cool album entitled Hail The Traveler by Pet The Tiger.  Also out are three new eh? releases:  If It Works, It's Obsolete by Bong Watt Collab #3, Anagazas, Estratagemas, Jugarretas Y Tretas from Ricardo Arias & Violeta Garcia and III by KBD.  As usual, each one is an intriguing and unusual audio journey.  *  [continued below]

Big Plastic Thing on Rhode Island.  A really big plastic thing is on top of Rhode Island now.  It has tears and drippy segments, but it is still very large and it covers everything.  Everyone is talking about the big plastic thing.  They want to know where it came from and why.  *  Canadian band Heaven For Real has a new mini-album out called Hell's Logo Pink.  We've been big fans of this band for years because they never fail to deliver intelligent melodic modern pop with a difference.  Thanks once again to the fine folks at Mint Records for making this one available to thinking listeners worldwide.  *  Office Suites on The Sun update.  We're still enjoying our new suite of offices located on The Sun.  The more time we spend there the more we like it.  The cost of living on the Sun is much more affordable than on Earth.  And the Egyptians (who moved there long ago) are some of the most friendly and genuine folks we have ever met.  We're enjoying our new offices so much that we're thinking about expanding further, possibly setting up a working space on Jupiter.  Everyone says that's impossible but we know better.  Based upon our previous experiences we know that if we really want to do something we will find a way to do it.  *  For Your Convenience.  The guys in Conveniens have two cool new releases out.  The first is entitled Victims of Convenience and the second is a new remastered reissue of the band's self-titled debut.  Conveniens is the Chicago-based duo comprised of David Sterling Smith and John Maz.  These guys record intelligent music that is unique and ultimately inspired.  *  
[continued below]

Everyone Loves Firsts.  People love Firsts.  And lately lots of them have been popping up all over the world, much to the delight of collectors everywhere.  Just recently the First Cup of Coffee was discovered in Belgium.  At auction the cup brought well over $53M.  After the auction, tons more firsts starting popping up to cash in on the latest fad.  Just after the First Cup of Coffee was discovered the First Doorknob was unearthed in Slovenia which sold for $44M.  That was followed by the more extraordinary discovery of the First Piece of Food, which looked more like a small sliver of slime than the kind of food most of us are familiar with.  When offered for sale, the First Piece of Food brought in over $7M.  That fully opened the floodgates and all kinds of firsts started surfacing everywhere.  Some of the more notable finds have been the First Sausage (sold for $65M), the First Molecule ($137M), the First Sanitary Napkin ($31M), the First Promotion ($7M), the First Accident ($81M), the First Leaf ($137M), the First Scissors ($876M) and the First Living Thing (all-time high, selling for $972B).  Oddly, there were a handful of firsts that no one was interested in and these included the First Insect, the First Ball, the First Candle, the First Bum, the First Raindrop, the First Chicken Ham, the First Spring, the First Demonstration, the First Bastard, the First Pie Crust, the First Smell, the First Teardrop, the First Spoon and the First Pom Poms.  *  More Big Stir Releases.  The folks at California's Big Stir label continue releasing stellar albums in 2024.  Their latest releases include Box of Letters from Sparkle Jets U.K., and and still... from Blake Jones & The Trike Shop.  Both albums are chock full of smart catchy pop.  *  New Part-Time Work.  We have taken on yet another part-time job, this time as a Q-Tip Refurbisher.  Although few seem to be aware of it, millions upon millions of Q-Tips are discarded daily and they end up in huge ugly globs poisoning the ocean and ruining the clouds above.  We decided to join the new movement to give new life to these discarded treasures.  All it takes is a little patience and cotton.  We carefully remove the used cotton on both ends and then add stabilizer to the cardboard stem so that it will be sturdy again.  Then we carefully twist new cotton onto both ends before shipping the refurbished Q-Tips to the manufacturer for repackaging.  It's a very fulfilling job that requires stamina and concentration.  But we're up for it because we know our work is making a huge difference and making the world a better place for everyone.  *  A Man Defines Himself.  One musical artist we can never get enough of is Fernando Perdomo.  Fernando has outdone himself once again with his latest album entitled Self.  Seven kickass tracks produced, engineered, written and performed by the man.  In Perdomo's own words, this release "...is not just an album.  It is a definition of who I am."  If you've never heard this man's music, this album will serve as the perfect introduction.  *
July 2024 Notable New Releases

The Starchies - Salty Salty (Albumnasia).  The Trafalgars - About Time (Expanded) (Kool Kat Musik).  Keaton Henson - Somnambulant Cycles.  12 Monkeys - Bespoke Edition Boxset (Gonzo Multimedia).  Jessie Baylin - Strawberry Wind Deluxe Edition.  Eyal Maoz & Eugene Chardbourne - The Coincidence Masters (Infrequent Seams Records).  Salon du Monde - Blasters of the Puniverse.  The Vanrays - Hey! Alright Now EP.  Alan Goldsher - Events & Beginnings 2.0.  Devil Moon Risen - Fissures of Men.  Ritual - The Story of Mr. Bogd - Part 1 (Karisma Records).  The Uglies - Pancakes For Granny (Rose Poppers).  Needles In Veins - Lots of Fancy Pants (Deluxe Nowhere).  Drinks For Dummies - Another Nip Nip Nip For Everyone (Razz Ruzz).  Disagreeable Band - We Love Everything (Fowl Prowler).  Fourth Dominion - Diana's Day.  Wolfwolf - Totentanz.  BlackieBlueBird - A Symphony of Shadows.  Native Harrow - Divided Kind (Different Time Records).  Monsieur Minimal - Seven (From East To West) (Mo.Mi.Records).  The Baby Rattles - Big Bottles of Old Whiskey (Baby Whiskey Music).  Sergio Ceccanti - Mysterious Journey (Kool Kat Musik).  The Saints - (I'm) Stranded (4 X LP box set, In The Red Records).  Bernie Worrell - Wave From the WOOniverse (Org Music).  Matt Langone and the Big Heat - Out of the Past.  The Beatles - Live at Convention Hall, Philadelphia 1965 (Pink vinyl, The Reel To Reel Music Company / The Art of Vinyl Music).  L.A. Drugz - Outside Place EP (Hovercraft Records).  Tom Wavra - Back In The Day EP.  Telejet - Spiritual Age (Kool Kat Musik).  Matt Fallon - Matt Fallon (FnA Records).  Lace - Lace (FnA Records).  Nothing Bitch - Givin' Ya'lls What Ya'lls Deserves (Rowler Bowl).  Just Another Band - Just Another Album (Just Another Label).  Bli - Bli Bli (Bib Organization).  She's Really In The Rear View Mirror Now - Actions Come Back To Haunt (Rally Poo).  The Man Who Couldn't Face The Truth - Him Not Know Who Him Is (Labby Truffle).  I Love You For Decades Now I Discard You With No Explanation - That's Just The Way Things Is (Follow Follow Pants on Flowers).  Nebulith - Feel Good Music For the End of The World Vol. 1.  Yomi Ship - Feast Eternal.  Roger Trigaux - This Is NOT The End (Cuneiform).  Bill Callahan - Resuscitate (Drag City).  Smokers - The Rat That Gnawed The Rope.  Terry Anderson and the Olympic Ass Kickin Team - Got To Be Strong (Kool Kat Musik).  The Damnwells - Bad As Beautiful.  Vibravoid - We Cannot Awake.  David Bowie & Pat Metheny - The Falcon & The Snowman: Bespoke Edition Boxset (Gonzo Multimedia).  Nebelkrahe - Alienated.  Present - This Is Not The End (Cuneiform Records).  Heart of Pine - Southern Soul Revival.  Roy Harper - Made Bespoke Boxset (Gonzo Multimedia).  Boulevards - Carolina Funk: Barn Burner on Tobacco Road (New West Records / Normaltown Records).

[This section only includes full-length releases and EPs.]



  ©2024 LMNOP aka dONW7

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